Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Another year gone!!

Wow! I can't believe how fast time has flown by! Especially since it is the end of April... So let me get y'all up to date on what has been happening with the Higham Clan over the past year and a half. -Sorry for lack of pictures.

Well, we started out the year like any other. Taking down the tree and cleaning up the pine needles. That's always fun.... And always goes on, we still tend to find them even in May. My dad is still traveling a couple weeks of the month. Mom is still working at Camtec, and even picked up some hours at PK Auto Repair every Thursday and Friday afternoon. Alex is still working at Volkswagon, and Tara  is still going to school, and she is still working at Rescue Alert.

We went to the usual spots for camping last year. And it was still fun, we always have a blast going. Coming home and unpacking on the other hand kind of boring and puts a damper on your weekend. Especially when it is the mark of the next week of work. We were bummed because we didn't get the chance to go to Mill Hollow last year. I guess they had rotting trees and they were afraid of trees falling in campsites. So they did the smart thing and closed for the season. They will be open again this year(2014). We hope-knock on wood when I say that.

Alex and Tara have been having fun with Alex's Jeep, they go out every month or so to go Jeeping with the Jeep Guy. I don't think you could get them to stop going out so much. But they are having fun, and they always take amazing pictures. They still make a cute couple:)

Mom and Dad celebrated their 25th anniversary last year, and I was able to celebrate my 21st birthday. (Wait, that means I will be 22 in less then a month-yikes!) Dad's back is still bothering him but not as much as it has in the past. Which is good. Mom had her knees replaced in August for the first and October for the second. She is getting stronger every day. Though she still scares me when she goes up or down stairs. And slopes, I am always afraid that her knee will give out completely and she will go crashing down. But that is just the fear of a worry wart daughter. Can you blame me though?

As for me I ended up switching jobs. About 4 days before November I went in to apply at a place called HuHot Mongolian Grill (really good stir fry by the way). Well needless to say the interview went really well and I was hired that same day. I guess they really needed staff before we opened. We did open on November 1st, and we have been busy ever since. Sure we get bad reviews on yelp occasionally, but come in and asks some of our regular guests and they will probably tell you otherwise. I finished my 2 weeks at PETsMART  and left on good terms. I still am thinking about going back once or twice a week, but like I said still thinking. I love my new job and the friends I have made. And I miss all my friends at PETsMART.

                                              HuHot Mongolian Grill

                               Kids 10 and under eat free per paying adult.
                                  Try the awesome build you own S'Mores!
My dad did get an elk last fall and he was sure proud, it's a 6*7 bull. And well the meat tastes great-sorry to the vegetarians.

Christmas came and went but we always have a blast going out and hunting down the tree.  Christmas day was amazing. We all received an awesome gift from the parents. Which would be season tickets to Desert Star! We have a blast every time we go! If you haven't been go! You will laugh till you cry, and it is family friendly!

Well this year started the same with taking down the tree and hunting needles in our carpet. We were also able to use the season tickets and started going to the shows. The last we went to was Provo Cop(spoof of RoboCop) It had us in a fit of giggles that is for sure.

Mom and Dad have celebrated their 26th anniversary and they still know how have fun! I still love working at HuHot. It is a blast! This past week dad added a new decor to the house.

Well that is all I can think of for now. Hope all is well with your families!

With love,

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